I am bad at vacations. I had several projects planned and many good intentions. Few of them were accomplished.
Instead, over the last two weeks I:
• Spent a lot of time at the computer scanning more than 60 letters (many more than 6 pages long) and postcards written to and from my great-great-grandparents.
• Went to a baseball game; the Royals lost. David Cook of “American Idol” was there to sing the national anthem. You might’ve seen part of it on “A.I.” — I know they were filming, but I don’t watch the show. Anyway, most of the people were there to see Cook, and left after he sang “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” in the seventh. They should have stuck around for the post-game fireworks display — it was great. (The new scoreboard is super-bright, super-big and super-fantastic.)
• Went to my mother’s for four days and came home with several bruises after helping her clean out two bedrooms.
• Lost my debit card. Luckily, some kind person found it and canceled it.
• Spent time with the freaked out cat. Allergies plus louder-than-usual environment (because the windows were open) make for a crazy cat.
• Talked to the FBI.
• Found a bag of money. (Seriously.)
• Went to a candle party.
• Watched four movies: “Iron Man” in the theater (awesome!) and the Indiana Jones trilogy at home.
• Talked to several friends.
• Hid from my family.
• Found a baseball Wally Joyner signed when he was a Royal — he signed it at a game in the early ’90s. (He was with the team from 1992 to 1995.)
• The box my high school class ring came in, with the receipt. I’d actually “lost” the ring for about five years and found it a few months ago. I’d put it in a watch box — with the watch — and forgot about them after I moved. The ring would cost about $200 more to make now than it did in 1995.
• Learned a lot of family history — some of it’s even scandalous!
• Did some shopping — most of it not for me.
• Found one of my first cameras. No film, but the flash bar still has six shots left.
• Painted. (In a semi-crafty way, not canvases or walls.)
Now I need some time off to get some of those original projects done …