This story originally appeared on RealTime/STL.
Lyft, the on-demand ridesharing service that launched Friday in St. Louis, has city officials, cabbies and residents debating pros, cons and legalities. But what’s a ride with Lyft driver really like?
For David Goldstick, there was music.
Does your taxi driver play you impromptu songs on the ukulele before dropping you off? Upon asking, mine did: @lyft
— David Goldstick (@innov8ion) April 19, 2014
Driver/singer Emily Roig happened to have a ukulele.
Not every ride has ended with music, though: Tickets have been issued to some.
Just got pulled over for riding in a @Lyft car on their debut in #STL. This is not helping our #tech or #startup movement.
— Cody Beck (@cobeck_) April 19, 2014