The Opera Theatre of St. Louis invited local tweeters to see and live-tweet “The Elixir of Love” on Wednesday night. After scrolling through dozens of tweets, here are 17 that are sure to pique your interest.
One wonders if Gianetta is allowed to sing at the library like that or if she gets shushed. #otslelixir
— Joe Gfaller (@joegfaller) June 5, 2014
Nemo (we're on nickname basis) says he's just a loser. If ice cream doesn't work out maybe he can write lyrics for Beck. #otslelixir
— Lindsey Vehlewald (@LVehlewald) June 5, 2014
Adina, seriously, what are you thinking? He likes you AND drives an ice-cream truck. Every girl's dream. #otslelixir @OTSL
— Lydia Hill (@LJaneHill) June 5, 2014
Hmmm I have one rule. Never trust a man in a loud purple pinstripe suit #otslelixir #pimpdaddymeetsalberteinstein
— Deanna Carpenter (@deannamarie623) June 5, 2014
To be fair, there are few things 80 proof won't fix. At least temporarily. Wonder how it tastes over ice cream? #otslelixir
— Lindsey Vehlewald (@LVehlewald) June 5, 2014
Nemorino is like "turn down for what" #elixirshots #itriedtowarnhim #otslelixir
— B. Will (@_LST_) June 5, 2014
The arrogant soldier or the drunk ice cream man. come on Adina, follow you heart (well, your stomach) and chose the chubby boy. #otslelixir
— Stephen Houldsworth (@sfhouldsworth) June 5, 2014
In the words of Beyonce, #otslelixir has me drunk in love.
— Greg (@greggusto) June 5, 2014
Dulca should pitch this to Vh1. He basically just described all their reality tv. #RichAndPretty #otslelixir
— Lindsey Vehlewald (@LVehlewald) June 5, 2014
"Just trust me, kid." I feel like those words are akin to "We need to talk." Nothing good comes after them! #otslelixir
— Jillian (SOSM) (@Jill_Firns) June 5, 2014
What I learned at the Opera tonight: Twenty bucks can buy me love! #otslelixir
— Natasha B. (@NatashaSays) June 5, 2014
TIL: the postman has the best gossip. Mine just brings me bills. #otslelixir
— Lindsey Vehlewald (@LVehlewald) June 5, 2014
If a milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.. I can't imagine what an ice cream truck does to the ladies.. #otslelixir
— Natasha B. (@NatashaSays) June 5, 2014
This is what happens when you suddenly fall into money. #Thriller appears. It's super effective! #otslelixir
— Jillian (SOSM) (@Jill_Firns) June 5, 2014
"You are kind but you don't stock the stuff I need." Adina went theough the D.A.R.E. program in elementary. #JustSayNo #otslelixir
— Lindsey Vehlewald (@LVehlewald) June 5, 2014
Haha! Adina says she doesn't like to cause a ruckus. I'm pretty sure that's her middle name. #otslelixir
— Carla Bruns (@RealInto) June 5, 2014
Instead of a mic drop, Nemorino gets a suitcase drop. Somehow it's so much more satisfying. #otslelixir
— OperaTheatreStLouis (@OTSL) June 5, 2014
See the Opera Theatre of St. Louis’ “The Elixir of Love” through June 25.