This story originally appeared on RealTime/STL.
Have you ever come across something that you loved, but can no longer find? Maybe it’s a pen. Or a pair of jeans. Maybe it’s an ice cream flavor or a band. For St. Louis native Jenni Avins, it was a J.Crew scoop-back swimsuit.
In August, the 1999 Clayton High alum wrote an open letter to J.Crew, asking the manufacturer to bring back the “simple, sexy, and sporty suit with straight, tank-top-style shoulder straps that swoop like the letter U, dipping seductively in the back to the area just above my waist” from the 1990s.
J.Crew creative director Jenna Lyons responded, in an open letter also published in a New York Magazine fashion blog, with a promise to “keep you posted.”
That easily could have been the end. But about three weeks ago, a J.Crew ad, published in New York Magazine, addressed Avins and announced the return of the swimsuit.
On this day we thank @jenniavins for the resurrection womankind's first perfect swimsuit.
— Kat Stoeffel (@KStoeffel) April 7, 2014
The swimsuit is included in J.Crew’s latest catalog, and is available online.
“Just came home and found this in my mailbox,” Avins wrote in a comment on the photo. “I love that she recalls my fave of the era, Bridget Hall.”
However, if you want the swimsuit, act fast: Some colors already are sold out.