This story originally appeared on RealTime/STL.
Comic con got off to an easy but enthusiastic start Friday afternoon. The shortest day of the three-day event, there were several costumed fans, vendors from across the nation and a handful of programs for participants.
Here are the highlights of the sessions we attended Friday night. Watch for more on Day 2 and Day 3. You can find the Wizard World Comic Con schedule here, and be sure to follow @kgreenbaum and @ericasmith on Twitter. You can follow our tweets, and those of other participants, at #wwstl.
The super-secret history of St. Louis comics
"I wear jammies more than other people." Subject of doc. by #STL's @jcop815. Previewed, Comic-Con. #wwstl.
— Kurt Greenbaum (@kgreenbaum) April 4, 2014
"St. Louis is the comic book city that doesn't know it's the comic book city." From @jcop815 documentary. #wwstl
— Kurt Greenbaum (@kgreenbaum) April 4, 2014
Lots of props in this session for @Weatherbird, @stltoday and Joe Pulitzer (no Twitter acct?) for their role in comics history. #wwstl
— Kurt Greenbaum (@kgreenbaum) April 4, 2014
The Post-Dispatch’s Weatherbird will be at comic con Saturday and Sunday. Weatherbird artist Dan Martin will talk about the history of the paper’s front-page icon Saturday afternoon.
Geek feminism: Girl power and problems in geek culture
"Feminism isn't about women being better than men. It's about equality." Geek feminism is about women in geek culture. #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 4, 2014
"Feminism is not just about empowering women. It's also about empowering men," says @FiveTailedFox. #WWSTL
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 4, 2014
Panelists cited two websites that flip female stereotypes commonly seen in comics: The Hawkeye Initiative and Repair Her Armor. They also mentioned a 2012 PBS documentary about American superheroines.
Overall, the take-aways were rather obvious:
"Respect personal boundaries" in cosplay (and in general), says @fivetailedfox. #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 4, 2014
In a nutshell: There's a lot of bullying taking place online and in life. Don't be a jerk. #WWSTL
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 4, 2014
The Nerdy Girls Society continues this conversation online and in meetups.
Farewell, raggedy man
The title is a reference to “Doctor Who’s” 11th Doctor. Each panelist was a member of “Doctor Who” fan club St. Louis CIA — in this case, the Celestial Intelligence Agency.
Did you know the oldest continuously operating #DoctorWho fan club in N. America is based in St. Louis? #wwstl
— Kurt Greenbaum (@kgreenbaum) April 4, 2014
There were several questions from the audience about characters, plot lines and the 50th anniversary special.
"The Matt Smith era … brought back a childlike quality," says Jennifer Picker. Fears, monsters and emotions. #wwstl #DoctorWho
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 4, 2014
"Poor Peter Capaldi … He's got to top (Matt Smith)," says @rob_levy. One of those things Levy says he never thought he'd say. #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 4, 2014
The 50th was "too rushed," says Wayne Judge, and many agree. #DoctorWho #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 4, 2014
"The Five-ish Doctors" was Jennifer Picker's favorite part of the 50th. It was quite clever, if you haven't seen it. #DoctorWho #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 4, 2014
"The doctor is kind of full of himself, let's be honest," says Craig Levevbre. "He'd love meeting himself." #DoctorWho #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 4, 2014
"For anyone who's worried about Peter Capaldi, trust me, it's going to be fine," says @rob_levy. #doctorwho #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 4, 2014
The best advice for #DoctorWho fans: Pay no attention to continuity. @rob_levy #wwstl
— Kurt Greenbaum (@kgreenbaum) April 4, 2014
Favorite monsters? Cybermen, Weeping Angels, Silence. #DoctorWho #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 4, 2014
I've already forgotten I took his picture (but he's from #STL). #DoctorWho panel. #TheSilence #wwstl
— Kurt Greenbaum (@kgreenbaum) April 4, 2014
This was the first of several “Doctor Who” sessions. Several of Friday’s panelist will return Saturday morning for a look-back at the show’s 50 years. Matt Smith, who played the “raggedy doctor,” will make an appearance Saturday afternoon. Co-star Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) will share her experiences Sunday afternoon.
Psychology of science fiction
Psychologist Michael Mahon, who also teaches at Washington University, lead this session. Mahon knew his audience, that is clear, and his lecture turned out to be one of the most thought-provoking.
"Science fiction is the mythology of the 21st century," says Michael Mahon. We don't create new myths. #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 5, 2014
To succeed in scifi, you have to be really good at suspension of disbelief, Mahon says. #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 5, 2014
"You can go home and tell all of your friends that don't like science fiction that you are smarter than they are," Mahon says. #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 5, 2014
"The universe is a big place. I am a small person," Mahon explains. "The myths I develop help me understand my place." #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 5, 2014
People without myths feel "insecure," Mahon says. #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 5, 2014
A lot of action at the front of a movie pulls you in faster; it overloads your sensory receptors. That aids suspension of disbelief. #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 5, 2014
People emulate qualities of characters they follow. Even characters they read about or watch on TV, movies, etc. #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 5, 2014
In a discussion that cited “Star Wars” and “Blade Runner,” Mahon said that to transcend, you must know what you want. “You probably like sci-fi because you want to be more than your original programming,” he said.
"Think about how can make the world a better place. Somebody in this room will figure out how to travel faster than light." #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 5, 2014
"Someone in this room will figure out how to solve global warming." #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 5, 2014
"Somebody in this room is going to find the way to change the world. It could be you." #wwstl
— Erica Smith (@ericasmith) April 5, 2014
In conversations following the lecture, Mahon added a bit of “Terminator” to the mix.
“We have not yet created anything that is self-aware,” he said, carefully including the word yet. “Once it’s self-aware, it will evolve. The computers will evolve faster than we can. … We didn’t know Skynet was self-aware until it started dropping nukes. How do we know?”
Keep up with comic con
Catch up on the other sights of comic con, and watch for more on Day 2 and 3.
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