It’s tradition in St. Louis that children tell a joke before getting a treat when trick or treating. Thirteen Halloween jokes in time for trick or treating tonight:
Why don't witches ride their brooms when they are angry? They fear they might fly off the handle. #Halloween #Joke
— Mark WB3CAI (@marksenk) October 31, 2014
Back by popular demand, here's my all-time favorite Halloween joke:
Why do ghosts love to hang out at bars?
Because of all the boos!
— Jennifer E. Smith (@JenESmith) October 31, 2014
Horror-able #Halloween joke #1: What did the skeleton order at the restaurant? Spare ribs!
— Louisa Gaylord (@Louisa_Gaylord) October 31, 2014
The joke we used…at every door was "why is a pirate called a pirate?" "Because they arrrr" #weevengotsomelaughs #Halloween
— Candy Gellatly (@candygellatly) October 31, 2014
What do you call witches who live together?
Broom mates!
— Cindy Moore (@TTPReflexology) October 31, 2014
Here's a joke from Karyn: Why is Superman's costume so tight? Because he wears a size "S"!
Happy Halloween!
— Rock Hill Public Lib (@rockhillpl) October 31, 2014
Why do ghouls and demons hang out together?
Because demons are a ghoul's best friend!
— Simon Kew (@PensionsJackal) October 31, 2014
How does a ghost say goodbye to a vampire? So long, sucker! #halloweenjoke #joke #boo
— Acuity Scheduling (@AcuitySchedulin) October 31, 2014
Zombies don't eat popcorn with their fingers, they eat their fingers separately. #joke #funny #halloween
— Levi (@levihomman) October 31, 2014
How are vampires like false teeth? They both come out at night! #HappyHalloween #riddle #joke
— Olivia (@Westcoast_Mommy) October 31, 2014
What is a witches favourite school class ?
Boom-Boom !
#Halloween #joke #funny #laugh #halowenjokes
— Stuart (@jadiepye) October 31, 2014
Why did the vampire flunk art class?
Because he could only draw blood!
— Cindy Moore (@TTPReflexology) October 31, 2014