Activists picket St. Louis Mayor’s Ball

Each year, a black-tie gala kicks off a weekend of Mardi Gras festivities. But this year, a group of activists staged a protest outside the St. Louis City Hall, where the Mayor’s Ball is held. #MayorsBall #Downtown #STL #SlayersBall #BlackLivesMatter #Ferguson #ABanks — .aaron.banks. (@AaronWBanks) February 14, 2015 #DRESSFESTIVE #BlackLivesMatter #MayorsBall #Ferguson —… Continue reading Activists picket St. Louis Mayor’s Ball

My stories: Week ending Nov. 28

Sometimes I write things for St. Louis Public Radio. Here’s what I wrote this week. Legal roundtable reconvenes, discusses Ferguson grand jury Protester: “There’s a lot of chaos going on” after grand jury decision announced “This is just absolutely devastating”: Communities respond to the grand jury decision, vandalism “We need people working together”: Discussing protests,… Continue reading My stories: Week ending Nov. 28