For a week, there was a flag in the elevator. For a week, I (silently) said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning when I left for work. In Spanish.
The flag appeared after the Fourth of July. For two days it laid across the top of the small white board. Then someone figured out how to make it stand between two magnets. It’s gone now, along with the magnets.
In my high school Spanish class, the Pledge of Allegiance was one of the first things we learned. It was recited at the beginning of every class; 15 years later, that’s the bulk of my Spanish knowledge. (I can also ask where the bathroom and library are located.)
Sure, we said the pledge every day in elementary school (in English), but the Spanish version just rolls off the tongue. And it’s faster for some reason. So here it is, the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish:
Juro fidelidad a la bandera
de los Estados Unidos de América,
y a la república que representa
una nación bajo Dios,
indivisible con libertad
y justica para todos.
I think all of the Spanish language in general rolls off the tongue better. Ahhh, romance languages …