11 tweets that make us want to see ‘Magic Flute’

This story originally appeared on RealTime/STL. The Opera Theatre of St. Louis invited local tweeters to see and live-tweet “The Magic Flute” on Thursday night. We scrolled through dozens of tweets and found 11 that piqued our interest. (Full discloser: I was one of those live-tweeters.) Sparkly green spandex, monkey men, and dowop girls. And… Continue reading 11 tweets that make us want to see ‘Magic Flute’

‘The Magic Flute’: Tweeting from the opera

For the second year, the Opera Theatre of St. Louis sponsored “tweet seats” — they actually encourage people to tweet from the opera. It’s a one-night-only, back-of-the-theater type of set-up, but it’s still a lot of fun. So here’s a recap of Wednesday’s performance of “The Magic Flute.” I'll be live tweeting @OTSL's #MagicFlute tonight.… Continue reading ‘The Magic Flute’: Tweeting from the opera