My friend Kevin is a minister.
There’s a certificate; it’s official. He’s now available for weddings, baptisms, funerals and exorcisms.
I thought he was joking when he told me. Several others did too; there’ve been conversations. But Kevin explained: He read a story about the thousands of people who have become ministers — often as a favor to friends to perform their wedding ceremonies — and decided to join them. It’s free. It required no lengthy schooling, no vows of celibacy or poverty or obedience. And you get a suitable-for-framing certificate. Win!
In true church tradition, Kevin is accepting monetary donations. He has a slogan. Feeling guilty? Kevin can forgive sins. And if you’re looking for someone to perform a wedding, funeral or exorcism, I know a guy.
OMK! I <3 IT!
Don’t forget WWKD!!