Fabulous 40

Age has never been a big deal to me. I didn’t rush out an get my driver’s license when I turned 16. (Yep, I’m old enough that I could get my license at 16. Now, there’s a graduated system.) For my 21st? It wasn’t really my plan, but I worked on the college paper and… Continue reading Fabulous 40

Postcard round-robin

I love postcards. Lately, I’ve been scanning in postcards for a family project, and it’s been a lot of fun to see the different styles, different places, even just how things have changed. So when Vanessa suggested a postcard round-robin over on 30-Something Bloggers, I jumped on it. But there haven’t been any other takers… Continue reading Postcard round-robin

The Rev. Kevin

My friend Kevin is a minister. There’s a certificate; it’s official. He’s now available for weddings, baptisms, funerals and exorcisms. I thought he was joking when he told me. Several others did too; there’ve been conversations. But Kevin explained: He read a story about the thousands of people who have become ministers — often as… Continue reading The Rev. Kevin