Fourth-grade bullies

I liked school. This is likely not a surprise. The third grade school was just a couple of blocks from our house. Fourth grade, though, was a little farther away. Walking took about the same time as riding the bus, so on nice, sunny days my neighbor Carrie and I would walk to and/or from… Continue reading Fourth-grade bullies

Restaurant explosion vs. TV shows

Several fans of “The Bachelor,” “New Girl” and “NCIS” were upset when Kansas City stations interrupted the shows for breaking coverage of an explosion at Country Club Plaza. At least 14 people were hospitalized; at least one person died in the blast. [View the story “Restaurant explosion vs. TV shows” on Storify]

Buy the book

At Saturday’s auction, in addition to the records, I also ended up with several books. I only wanted a few, but the auctioneer thought I needed them all. There’s a small collection of White House related biographies and autobiographies — Henry Kissinger, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon and Harry S Truman. I’m most interested in those… Continue reading Buy the book